Used. In good condition.
A portfolio of memorable photos of Canadian Pacific steam locomotives in full stride.
The building of Canada's first transcontinental has been termed, "the most daring exploits in all railway history." Certainly no land owes more to the unifying influence of the steam locomotive than does the Dominion, for until steel rails spanned the provinces there was a genuine doubt that Canada could long endure as an independent nation. Soon the wood-burning, diamond-stacked engines that bonded Canada politically gave way to the coal-fired Ten-Wheelers and Consolidations that lugged Manitoba wheat and Nova Scotia coal to her ports, And these locomotives, in turn, were supplemented by the inimitable Hudson and Northerns that fed the convoys of World War II. Diesels have now claimed squatter's rights to the roundhouses of Canadian national and Canadian Pacific, the only true transcontinental o the continent, but Canadian Steam! recalls vanished glories in a splendid portfolio of steam Photography.